man's back as he gazes at the horizon wondering what he'll face in this new year

What Do I Do With This New Year?

THERE’S SOMETHING SCARY  and surreal about entering a new year when your life is in upheaval—kind of like looking ahead into a vast unknown. You don’t know if you want to step out into it, but you know you have no choice. Time propels you forward. Whether you choose to take that step or not, you will be there. The…

Bright star in a night sky

A Star to Guide Us

SITTING BENEATH THE STARS at a Christmas concert in the park, I listened to the familiar strains of “We Three Kings” soaring sweetly into the air. As I lifted  my eyes to gaze through the interplay of branches above me, my mind drifted with the words of the song.  I thought about those three kings and the star they followed. …

I voted stickers

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

SO HERE WE ARE in the midst of this messy political season– accusations, half-truths and, contradictory statements swirling around us from everywhere.  How do we navigate through the confusion to land on the truth of where God would lead us? In the last few weeks my Bible study has been studying Jesus’ letters to the seven churches in Revelation.  In…

wedding ring on a table

Would I Be Happier with a Divorce?

WHEN PROBLEMS BEGIN eating away at your marriage, one question that often rises to the surface is whether you might be happier with a divorce. In fact, if crisis erupts, it may be one of the first options that come to mind. But would divorce make you happier? Would it resolve the turmoil and nagging anxiety that keeps you off…

When New Life Appears

When New Life Appears

This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord. Ezekiel 37:5, 6b When the city arborist stopped by to tell us they had received a grant to plant new trees in our neighborhood, we were delighted. We would…