Hello Book Club Friends,
Welcome to my Book Club Page
I’m so glad you’re interested in checking out Pieces of Dark, Pieces of Light for your book club.
If you decide to read my book, you can find some questions below that can be used in your discussion. You don’t have to use all of them – just choose the ones you like best. I believe Pieces of Dark, Pieces of Light will most likely stimulate a lively and gratifying chat.
If you would like me to join your group for a bit of sharing and/or answering questions about the book, I’d be delighted to meet with your club on Zoom (or in person if you are in Central Florida).
Let me know if I can help you in any way by emailing me at linda@lindarooks.com
Enjoy the read and have a great discussion!
1. Did you find the author’s writing style easy to read or hard to read? Why? How long did it take you to get into the book?
2. Who was your favorite character? What character did you identify with the most? Were there any characters you disliked? Why?
3. Did any part of this book strike a particular emotion in you? Which part and what emotion did the book make you feel?
4. How much did you know about Pieces of Dark, Pieces of Light before picking it up? What surprised you the most about the book?
5. How thought-provoking did you find the book? Did the book change your opinion about anything, or did you learn something new from it? If so, what?
6. Did you highlight or bookmark any passages from Pieces of Dark, Pieces of Light? Did you have a favorite quote or scene? If so, share which and why?
7. From your point of view, what were the central themes of the book? How well do you think the author did at exploring them?
8. How would you adapt Pieces of Dark, Pieces of Light into a movie? Who would you cast in the leading roles?
9. Would you recommend this book to someone? Why or why not (or with what caveats)? What kind of reader would most enjoy this book?
10. Rate this book on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. Why did you give the book the rating you did? Did any part of this book club discussion change your rating from what it would have been directly after finishing the book?
Before you go on to your next book, feel free to share your ratings and reviews on Bookclubs.com, Amazon.com, Goodreads.com, and bookbub.com. Other readers would love to know what you think about Pieces of Dark, Pieces of Light.