Finding Hope in Unexpected Places

When we journey through a three-year marital separation, face unwanted health problems, cry through the night for a prodigal, or watch dreams crumble, we don’t expect to find hope. But, amazingly, we can. It’s happened to me. Although the challenges of life may seem too heavy, too complicated, too confusing, and too bogged down in “stuff” to leave an open pathway for the joys we cherish most, hope is closer than we think.

It all begins with the heart.

In “Heart Talk” we’ll journey together and talk heart to heart, looking at life and love, sharing thoughts and feelings, and discovering all the good things God has for us. Once a month, the blog will feature other authors who’ve written books to nurture your heart as well.

Beyond Our Imagination

As we cry out to God with open hearts and hands, we often touch the face of hope in ways we never imagined.

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TREAT HIM LIKE SILVER AND GOLD, LINDA. Treat him like silver and gold.

Jean sat forlornly on the couch, relating to me the bizarre set of circumstances she had recently experienced when her husband collapsed from a heart attack and she was unable to give him the required mouth-to-mouth resuscitation because she had a broken jaw and the doctors had clamped her mouth shut. Her husband was in a coma and not expected to live.  She looked at me with longing as she spoke—longing for the presence of the man who had shared her life for almost half a century.


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