Silver and Gold

Silver and Gold

“TREAT HIM LIKE SILVER AND GOLD, LINDA. Treat him like silver and gold.”  Jean sat forlornly on the couch, relating to me the bizarre set of circumstances she had recently experienced when her husband collapsed from a heart attack and she was unable to give him the required mouth-to-mouth resuscitation because she had a broken jaw and the doctors had…

Heavenly Headbutts: Reflections of Hope about Cats and Eternity

Heavenly Headbutts: Reflections of Hope about Cats and Eternity

WHEN I TRY TO PICTURE my husband entering Heaven, I imagine him surrounded by lots of family members and friends who’ve gone before as they greet him and welcome him to his new home. Occasionally, I also wonder if among the crowd there might be a rambunctious Akita, a fluffy, tail wagging Peek-a-poo, a white cat with the shape of…

Man and woman sitting close together and looking at lake

Fairy Tale Marriage, Soul Mates, or Journey Partners

THE OTHER DAY as my husband and I were enjoying some quiet moments together, I started thinking about our marriage and how to describe it. I knew we didn’t have a fairy tale marriage because even though it started out that way, it obviously didn’t continue. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have experienced a three year separation after over 20 years together….

Picture of Johnny and Linda as adults

Memories of a Christmas Past

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus as our Savior. That, of course, is the most important thing about Christmas.  But Christmas is also a time we want to be with family and perhaps—for just a moment—linger on memories of Christmases past. Two months ago I lost my brother. During my years as a young girl, he was my…